Go-Pro Setup

It is highly suggested that everyone run go-pro when they in the city. When submitting a report, you will need to submit GoPro evidence, with a general rule of 3 minutes before the scenario you’re reporting, and 3 minutes after. This guide will go through how to set up and use three different softwares. This guide will not discuss live streaming – please reach out to someone who live streams for help with this.

Always do a test recording to make sure everything is working properly!

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)

STEP 1 – DOWNLOAD OBS: https://obsproject.com/download

STEP 2 – RUN AUTO-CONFIGURATION: When you load OBS Studio for the first time you should see the Auto-Configuration Wizard. If you’re new to OBS or just want to get started as quickly as possible, follow the steps to get good starting settings for your setup. If you only see the main OBS Studio window, you can access the Auto-Config Wizard in the Tools menu at the top. This wizard will automatically test your system and attempt to find settings that your PC can handle. This includes streaming or recording, resolution, bitrate, encoder, streaming provider and more. You can always modify the settings manually later. For this purpose, make recording your priority.

STEP 3 – SET UP YOUR VIDEO: To get started capturing, you need to add a Source. At the bottom of the window is a box called ‘Sources’. Click on the + (or right click inside the box) and pick the source you want. As a few examples, select Game Capture if you’re capturing a game, Window for non-game applications, or Video Capture Device for a webcam or capture card.

STEP 3 – SET UP YOUR AUDIO: By default, OBS Studio is set to capture your system default desktop audio device and microphone. You can verify this by looking at the volume meters in the mixer section of the main OBS Studio window, and see if they are active. If they aren’t moving, or you suspect the wrong device is being captured, click on Settings -> Audio and select the devices manually. You will need to add two audio sources…your desktop audio and Audio Input Device (for your microphone).

STEP 4 – CONFIGURE OUTPUT SETTINGS: Go into settings, then click on “output.” Under “recording,” select the folder you want your videos to save to under recording path. Once that’s done, change your recording format to mp4. The standard file type is mkv and there are not many programs that support that file type.

Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS)

STEP 1 – DOWNLOAD SLOBS: https://streamlabs.com/

STEP 2 – SET UP YOUR VIDEO: To set up your video, click the plus sign on the top of the sources menu, and select display capture. Select the display that your FiveM will be on.

STEP 3 – SET UP YOUR AUDIO: To set up your in-game audio, click the plus sign on the top of the sources menu, and select “audio output capture.” Select the output you are using (i.e. your headphones) and hit ok. To set up your microphone, go back into the source menu, click “audio input capture,” and select your microphone.

STEP 4 – CONFIGURE OUTPUT SETTINGS: Go into your settings (bottom left, click the gear) and select output. Scroll to “recording,” and select the folder you want your videos to save to under recording path. Make sure that the recording format is set to mp4. Leave everything the same.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)

STEP 1 – DOWNLOAD OBS: https://obsproject.com/download

STEP 2 – RUN AUTO-CONFIGURATION: When you load OBS Studio for the first time you should see the Auto-Configuration Wizard. If you’re new to OBS or just want to get started as quickly as possible, follow the steps to get good starting settings for your setup. If you only see the main OBS Studio window, you can access the Auto-Config Wizard in the Tools menu at the top. This wizard will automatically test your system and attempt to find settings that your PC can handle. This includes streaming or recording, resolution, bitrate, encoder, streaming provider and more. You can always modify the settings manually later. For this purpose, make recording your priority.

STEP 3 – SET UP YOUR VIDEO: To get started capturing, you need to add a Source. At the bottom of the window is a box called ‘Sources’. Click on the + (or right click inside the box) and pick the source you want. As a few examples, select Game Capture if you’re capturing a game, Window for non-game applications, or Video Capture Device for a webcam or capture card.

STEP 3 – SET UP YOUR AUDIO: By default, OBS Studio is set to capture your system default desktop audio device and microphone. You can verify this by looking at the volume meters in the mixer section of the main OBS Studio window, and see if they are active. If they aren’t moving, or you suspect the wrong device is being captured, click on Settings -> Audio and select the devices manually. You will need to add two audio sources…your desktop audio and Audio Input Device (for your microphone).

STEP 4 – CONFIGURE OUTPUT SETTINGS: Go into settings, then click on “output.” Under “recording,” select the folder you want your videos to save to under recording path. Once that’s done, change your recording format to mp4. The standard file type is mkv and there are not many programs that support that file type.


STEP 1 – DOWNLOAD GEFORCE: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/download/


STEP 3 – HEAD TO GeFORCE EXPERIENCE DASHBOARD – Hit alt+z to bring this menu up.

STEP 4 – SET UP YOUR AUDIO – GeForce is already set up to record your system sounds, but you will need to make sure that the correct microphone is set up. To do this, click on the gear in the bottom right corner of the menu and select “audio.” Make sure the correct mic is shown under “microphone” and go back.

STEP 5 – SET UP YOUR VIDEO – GeForce can either record your full gameplay or grab a clip of up to the last 20 minutes. To set it up to grab a clip, click on “Instant Replay,” and then click settings. The hotkey to launch an Instant Replay is alt+F10. If your instant replay does not work, all you need to do to fix it is turn the Record function on and off. The video is automatically set to go to your videos folder on your PC.

Medal TV

Check out Medal’s support site for a detailed guide on how to set up the software:
